Thursday, March 08, 2007

America's Favorite Bed & Breakfast New York

If you auction it, they will bid. Or not.

For the buy-it-now price of $0.75 and shipping that's about four times the cost of the item itself, you can be the proud owner a used book with outdated information (item #150016051701).

When I went to New York, I didn't opt for a New York bed and breakfast, instead going sharing a three-star with three other guys. This was in 2003, a much different New York than it was when the book was published, oh, about, ten years ago. Since then, the information has changed rapidly.

On the other hand, most of the changes occurred within the NYC area, as there is a lot more to New York than NYC. But TEN YEARS?!

I realize that the motivation for being on eBay is to make money, especially considering the fact that the shipping is over four times the price of the item, but the unfortunate thing is that items with minimal value really make eBay harder to navigate.

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